AMSP takes your creative talent to the next level. This program involves innovative training methods & practical application of industry relevant skills. It not only sharpens your creative skills but also provides job-oriented training that ensures all- round development to match industry requirements. AMSP is the doorway to one of the most dynamic & exciting industries-Animation & Multimedia.
Arena Multimedia Buzz
Arena Multimedia Specialist Program (AMSP)
Some students share their experiences & opinions about Arena
"Arena seems like the Magic Word for me! I stepped in for an interview as an Arena certified professional with a well-developed portfolio and immediately got the job!" - Angelo
"We got practical training and a chance to work with the industry for our projects which makes the course more practical and industry-oriented." - Nicholas
Credit Transfer Facility
All Arena students have the opportunity to pursue a B Sc (Hons) degree from any of the partner universities of Arena which include Middlesex University, Plymouth University & University of Portsmouth. Students can avail the Credit Transfer Facility; they have the amazing option of transferring credit from their AMSP program toward achieving their foreign degree! This way, students receive not only an Arena certification but also a degree from a leading foreign university.
Also, savings are considerably higher for a foreign education if a student goes through Arena.